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Sharing Your Personal Story
My journey towards Christianity began during a challenging upbringing that is often referred to as "dysfunctional" nowadays. However, during the 1960s and '70s, it was simply the norm for us. Back then, we had no idea that our experiences would later be labeled as such, but Jesus somehow intervened and changed the course of my life.
My life underwent a profound change when someone assisted me in making a deep connection with the incomprehensible love that Jesus possesses.
This photograph was taken by Laura E. Partain
In a single moment, my entire life was completely transformed. This love that I experienced has been the source of my strength and resilience for more than five decades, carrying me through the highs and lows, the victories and sorrows, and even the moments of joy. The pivotal moment in my life was when I first felt the overwhelming love of God at the age of eighteen, and it forever altered the course of my journey.
The reason for my presence and the motivation behind my actions is this. It is the driving force behind my career as a Christian songwriter and my mission to assist you in creating songs that beautifully articulate this incredible truth. This fundamental principle is at the heart of Nashville Christian Songwriters, and all our platforms, including podcasts, videos, blogs, and coaching programs, are dedicated to spreading the message of Jesus' love to every individual on Earth.
What is your personal story of faith? It could be that you experienced God's love while attending church as a child, or you turned to Him as an adult to overcome addiction. Perhaps you faced a significant loss or went through a painful divorce, and many Christian songwriters who have approached us for coaching programs have similar stories. They want to learn how to express their pain and how God helped them through it. As James Finley puts it, "God doesn't shield us from hardships, but He miraculously supports us through them."
However, the question remains of how we can effectively express our personal experiences and stories through powerful and impactful songs.
Throughout our journey in life, we experience both the highs and lows. However, when it comes to expressing our personal experiences in Christian songs, how can we effectively convey our testimonies? I have three helpful tips that I believe will assist you in contemplating how to skillfully capture your testimonials in a manner that resonates with listeners, providing them with comfort, healing, and hope.
To begin, attempt to discover a shared element in your narrative that many individuals can relate to.
Loneliness and a sense of being lost are emotions that are familiar to everyone. To effectively engage people with your story, it is essential to create a connection and make them relate to it. It is important to incorporate elements of our own experiences into your narrative so that we can connect with it on a personal level and become emotionally invested in it.
If there isn't anything in your story that captures our attention and resonates with our own experiences, we will lose interest. One of our friends, Becky Norquist, who is a former student of NCS, has gone through the difficult journey of experiencing five miscarriages and one stillbirth. Her music and ministry are centered around supporting grieving families, but she also incorporates enough universal themes into her songs that anyone who has experienced any form of loss – which includes all of us – can relate to and stay engaged with her music.
Next, focus on capturing the feeling or mood rather than getting caught up in
I remember hearing Dave Clark, a well-known songwriter and publisher from Lillenas Music, saying this and it has stuck with me ever since. It may seem contradictory at first, but it's not. The initial point is to identify a central theme or emotion to base your song on. The second point is to avoid including irrelevant details in your song that don't contribute to the listener's understanding. Going into too much depth about specific locations, times, dates, names, or other specifics can potentially disengage the audience.
When you identify the shared connection and emotion in your story that resonates with me, you make me feel included in your narrative. If the specific details of your story do not align with my own experiences, it may deter my interest. Although it may seem challenging, it is possible to achieve. You can learn to find the right balance of providing sufficient but not excessive details to convey your emotions during the difficult period and then shift the focus towards the redemptive aspect of God's intervention in your life.
… a testimonial song is a song that depicts the triumph of God in your personal life.
It's important to be conscious of the unique details in your story that others may not be able to relate to. To help with this, you can look for examples of songs that capture the emotions you want to convey and observe how the songwriters engage listeners without simply reciting specific details.
Thirdly, it is important to understand the distinction between catharsis and testimonial.
When you're still emotionally wounded and in pain from a traumatic experience, it can be challenging to compose a genuine song that reflects it. Expressing your pain too explicitly in your lyrics may seem self-centered, unless you're writing a classic country song that embraces sorrow. If that's the direction you want to take, then go ahead and do it, but be aware that it won't be considered a personal testimony; it will be seen as a melancholic country song.
When considering your audience, it is important to recognize that they likely have their own struggles and challenges to face. If you simply unload your own pain onto them, they may not be willing to listen for very long. This is why therapists and journals exist – they serve as outlets for your dysfunction and hurts. It is crucial to think about how your lyrics will impact your listeners. What kind of emotional space are you inviting them into? How will they feel after hearing your song?
I believe that Brandon Lake and the Elevation Worship team have successfully created an uplifting praise song called "My Testimony" that conveys a message rooted in Scripture. Instead of writing a song about your personal childhood experiences, it might be beneficial to focus on positive biblical themes that illustrate God's ability to heal and overcome negativity. There are numerous ways to express your testimony, so it would be beneficial to explore alternative approaches before sharing your pain with others.
In summary, a testimonial song is one that demonstrates how God has achieved victory in your life. It is crucial for your emotional well-being to experience catharsis. While it may be beneficial to write such songs for personal cathartic purposes, it is important to recognize the distinction between catharsis and testimonial songs. Testimonials celebrate God's triumph over the challenges you have faced and His ultimate victory in your inner being, regardless of the path you took to reach that point.
In our NCS Pro Song Mastery program, which lasts for eight weeks and is conducted online, we delve into the art of writing testimony songs and cover a variety of other topics as well. While many individuals are interested in accessing free Christian songwriting courses and webinars, if you are serious about advancing your songwriting skills and have a strong desire to develop your ministry, you can click on the provided link to schedule a free phone call with no obligations. This call will help determine if our program is suitable for your needs. Don't miss the opportunity to schedule your free call now.
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